This article will guide you through setting up Spring Security for a REST service created using Swagger specification. It also goes through integration testing of secure REST service. The code behind this article can be found on allAroundJava’s github right here.
Should you need some more practice creating a REST endpoint using Swagger’s Open Api specification, please take a look at this articla.

Maven Dependencies

Lets start securing our REST endpoint by adding Spring Security dependency.

Additionally to create an endpoint interface from Swagger’s Open Api specification and gain access to Swagger annotations, lets add a springfox swagger dependency.

Implementing Secure REST endpoint based on Swagger Open Api

Ok we got the necessary groundwork. Now we can get our hands dirty. Lets first define the Secure REST endpoint with Swagger’s Open Api specification. The endpoint will expose a WebPage resource. This is a very basic resource carrying information about urls of web pages we want to track in our system. Our secure REST service will allow for POSTing and GETting information about a Web Page.

type: object
  - url
	type: integer
	format: int64
	type: string
  name: WebPageDto

The /webPages endpoint is defined in the following way. Please note the securityDefinitions specifying HTTP basic authentication and the fact that only the POST method is secured according to the specification.

host: "localhost:8080"
basePath: /
  - name: "Web Pages"
    description: "Everything about Web Pages in the system"
  - http
    type: basic
      summary: "Retrieve existing web page information along with its price details"
      operationId: "getWebPage"
        - application/json
        - in: "path"
          name: "id"
          description: "Id of webpage to be retrieved"
          required: true
          type: integer
          format: int64
          description: "OK"
            $ref: '#/definitions/WebPageDto'
      summary: "Add a new web page to web page collection"
      operationId: "addWebPage"
        - application/json
        - basicAuth: []
        - in: "body"
          name: "WebPageDto"
          description: "Web Page Object that should be added"
          required: true
            $ref: '#/definitions/WebPageDto'
          description: "Web Page Created"
            $ref: '#/definitions/WebPageDto'

Creating a plain REST service

Ok now we’ve got the specification in place. Using swagger-codegen-maven-plugin we will create our REST service’s interface. If you’re unsure how to do that, please take a look at this article, where I described how the magic is done. Having the interface, we’ll create a simple, plain, unsecured endpoint according to above specification.

class WebPageController implements WebPagesApi {
    private final WebPageService webPageService;
    public ResponseEntity addWebPage(@Valid WebPageDto webPageDto) {        
        WebPage result =, authenticatedUser));
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.CREATED).body(WebPageDtoConverter.toDto(result));

    public ResponseEntity getWebPage(Long id) {
        WebPage webPage = webPageService.findById(id)
                .orElseThrow(() -> new NotFoundException("Web Page with this id could not be found"));
        return ResponseEntity.ok(WebPageDtoConverter.toDto(webPage));

The addWebPage function will be called when we POST with a specific WebPage. For REST controllers, I’m using an additional DTO data layer, just to allow for some more configuration of how the objects are converted to JSON or XML and also not to mix up data objects passed between layers of application. The addwebPage function wil convert the WebPageDto to a WebPage domain object and use a service class to persist it in the database.
By analogy, the getWebPage function is the one which responds to GET calls to our REST endpoint and it will find the WebPage by Id or throw exception if it does not exist.
That is a very basic service. If you feel you need some more practice in creating REST endpoints, take a look here.

REST Endpoint Spring Security Configuration

Ok now that we’ve got our simple endpoint set up, we can go ahead and secure it. Spring Security is implemented using servlet filters and aspects, therefore our REST endpoint is not really concerned with its own security and will not carry any security related code. We will define a security configuration in a Spring Config bean and the framework will take care of the rest.
We use @EnableWebSecurity annotation to enable Spring Secutity in our application. This annotation is useless on its own, however used with a class which implements WebSecurityConfigurer or extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, it gets all its powers. Now WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter has three config methods which allow for a fine grained security configuration.

Function Responsibility
void configure(HttpSecurity http) Primary method to configure how particular requests are secured
void configure(WebSecurity auth) Primary method to create FilterChainProxy also known as Spring Security Filter Chain
void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder builder) Allows to define a service which will retrieve user details

Here’s how the configuration for our endpoint looks.

public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    private final UserDetailsService userDetailsService;

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                .antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, "/webPages").authenticated()

The configuration specifies that we are using HTTP Basic authentication (with username and password) to authenticate POST requests to /webPages endpoint. All the other requests remain unauthenticated. We also disable cross site request checks for easier testing.
This is a great first step, but how will our application know its users ?

Defining a user details service

User details service is what tells Spring whether a request to /webPages POST endpoint with username and password is legit or not. In other words it tells Spring Security whether a user is present in our system. The interface has only a single method and you can probably figure out what it does.

public interface UserDetailsService {
    UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String var1) throws UsernameNotFoundException;

UserDetailsService implementation should return UserDetails object if the user is authentic or throw an exception when its unknown. There is a way to define a set of in memory user details, but it’s just a very trivial approach. Let us define UserDetailsService on our own. It will simply query the database searching for the right user, identified by username and password.

public class UserDetailsServiceImpl implements UserDetailsService {
    private final UserService userService;
    public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
        User user = userService.findByEmail(username)
                .orElseThrow(() -> new UsernameNotFoundException("Username or password invalid"));
        return new DhUserPrincipal(user);

What our UserService implementation does is simply go out to database and search for a User with particular email using a Spring Data JPA repository.

public class UserService {
    private final UserRepository userRepository;

    public User save(User user) {

    public Optional findByEmail(String email) {
        return userRepository.findByEmail(email);

Now the important part is the UserDetails implementation. UserDetails is an interface which enables us to retrieve the basic information about our user, includinig its username and password. For that we have created the DhUserPrincipal, an implementation of UserDetails, which takes a User entity as a parameter.
Since we’re not using a role based access in this application, all ouf our authenticated users have the same USER role.

class DhUserPrincipal implements UserDetails {
    private final User user;

    public Collection getAuthorities() {
        return Collections.singletonList(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("USER"));

    public String getPassword() {
        return user.getPassword();

    public String getUsername() {
        return user.getEmail();

    public boolean isAccountNonExpired() {
        return true;

    public boolean isAccountNonLocked() {
        return true;

    public boolean isCredentialsNonExpired() {
        return true;

    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return user.isEnabled();

    public User getUser() {
        return user;

The last bit is to inform our SecurityConfig class to use the UserDetailsService we have created.

    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
                .passwordEncoder(new BCryptPasswordEncoder());

Since its never a good idea to store open text passwords, passwords stored in Users database are encoded with BCrpytPasswordEncoder.

Integration Testing Secure REST Service

Integration testing of secure REST service is very similar to testing the regular, unsecured service. All we need to remember is to have a user with encrypted password available to our UserService to successfully authenticate requests.
The below Spock test in Groovy shows an example integration test for both POST and GET methods. For a broader reference on configuring integration tests of REST services, take a look here.

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
        classes = [TestJpaConfig, AppConfig, SecurityConfig])
class WebPageControllerIntegrationTest extends Specification {
    private TestRestTemplate restTemplate

    private UserService userService

    private WebPageService webPageService

    def "Posting for a new Web Page with #TEST_TYPE"() {
        def url = ""
        def webPageDtoHttpEntity = createWebPageDtoHttpEntity(url)
        User user = new User(enabled: true, email: USER_EMAIL, password: BCrypt.hashpw("password", BCrypt.gensalt()))
        when: "Posting new Web Page"
        def responseEntity = restTemplate.withBasicAuth(USER_EMAIL, PASSWORD)
                .postForEntity("/webPages", webPageDtoHttpEntity, WebPageDto, [:])
        then: "Status is unauthorized"
        responseEntity.statusCode == HTTP_STATUS
        TEST_TYPE          | USER_EMAIL                  | PASSWORD      | HTTP_STATUS
        "correct password" | ""    | "password"    | HttpStatus.CREATED
        "bad password"     | "" | "this is bad" | HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

    private static HttpEntity createWebPageDtoHttpEntity(String url) {
        def webPage = new WebPageDto(url: url)
        return new HttpEntity(webPage, new HttpHeaders(contentType: MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON))

    def "Getting a Web Page"() {
        User user = new User(enabled: true, email: "", password: "password")
        WebPage webPage = new WebPage(userOwner: user, url: "")

        when: "Posting new Web Page"
        def responseEntity = restTemplate
                .getForEntity("/webPages/${}", WebPageDto, [:])
        then: "Status is unauthorized"
        responseEntity.statusCode == HttpStatus.OK

The test for POST method simply makes two requests, one with a correct credentials and one with incorrect ones and asserts that correct HTTP status is in a response from our web service where we implemented REST Security.

Here’s some more articles on REST.

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